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9 years old and homeless

9 years old and homeless

During my trip to the Bahamas to assess storm damage, I met a little boy named Johnero.When Hurricane Dorian hit, 9-year-old Johnero was at home playing with his toys. Suddenly, his sister ran into the room, shouting that the door to their house had blown off. As...
On the ground in the Bahamas: “There’s almost nothing left”

On the ground in the Bahamas: “There’s almost nothing left”

In the wake of Hurricane Dorian, the Bahamas look like a war zone. Cars are strewn about and sandwiched between the remains of what used to be homes, schools, and businesses. Now, it’s all destroyed — and the people who once lived here are struggling to survive. I’m...
Video: Meet Ice, my new little friend from Thailand

Video: Meet Ice, my new little friend from Thailand

Ice is only 3 years old. She has her entire life ahead of her, and soon she’ll be dreaming about what she wants to be when she grows up. When I first met Ice in Thailand and looked into her smiling face, I smiled, too. She is absolutely adorable, and she will...
Video: How a preschool is rescuing girls from the sex industry

Video: How a preschool is rescuing girls from the sex industry

This past week, I was traveling in one of my favorite places — Thailand. While I was there, I met little girls who have big dreams about what they want to be when they grow up. They want to be teachers, bakers, business owners, and nurses.But I also met women whose...
On the ground in Cuba: Church planters sacrifice everything

On the ground in Cuba: Church planters sacrifice everything

In case you missed it, my dad and I recently spent a few days visiting church planters in Cuba. I’ve been hearing stories from his trips to this island for over 20 years, and now I see why. Cuba is rich in history and unique architecture. In some ways, it looks as if...
On the ground in Cuba: “Cuba para Cristo”

On the ground in Cuba: “Cuba para Cristo”

Someone recently asked me, “What is your favorite place to travel?” At the time, I didn’t have an answer. There are many countries that hold a special place in my heart. But after the incredible week I just had in Cuba, I can say this beautiful nation is definitely in...
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