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Why Does Your Holiday Gift Matter?

Why Does Your Holiday Gift Matter?

  Christmas is the season of giving. So it’s no surprise that 30 percent of yearly nonprofit giving happens in the month of December. But statistics aside, why is it important to give during the holidays? Here are a few reasons why your gift matters this...
The Country Where Christmas Is Illegal

The Country Where Christmas Is Illegal

  The whole world seems to light up during the holiday season as people decorate their Christmas trees, eggnog sales skyrocket, and radio stations play festive music from dawn to dusk. But there’s one part of the world where almost nobody celebrates Christmas....
7 Unique Gifts to Send Christmas Cheer Around the World

7 Unique Gifts to Send Christmas Cheer Around the World

  Are you struggling to find the perfect Christmas gift for that person who already has everything or looking to make a difference with your Christmas giving this year? Look no further than the World Help Christmas Giving catalog! All you need to do is choose how...
Maria, the miracle cow

Maria, the miracle cow

Maria is an average cow. In fact, by American cattle standards, she could even be considered a bit skinny. But, to the children at one school in Rwanda, Maria is a living miracle. When this school first began in 2008, it was little more than a few buildings in a...
The greatest rescue mission in history: A video devotional

The greatest rescue mission in history: A video devotional

  “But the angel reassured them, saying, “Don’t be afraid, for I have come to bring you good news, the most joyous news the world has ever heard! And it is for everyone everywhere! For today in Bethlehem a rescuer was born for you. He is the Lord Yahweh, the...
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