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Families in Guatemala are literally raising a white flag

Families in Guatemala are literally raising a white flag

A white flag: the ultimate symbol of surrender and defeat. During this battle against the coronavirus pandemic and the economic crisis it has brought, many families are finding themselves on the losing side. They can’t provide for themselves any longer. In Guatemala,...
A unique opportunity to fight coronavirus in Guatemala

A unique opportunity to fight coronavirus in Guatemala

The coronavirus has put a strain on medical systems here in the U.S. Even New York City’s Central Park has morphed into a makeshift hospital to accommodate the influx of infected patients. So, just imagine how much harder this outbreak is on developing countries like...
Hunger steals from one generation after the next

Hunger steals from one generation after the next

Despite the meaning of her name, baby Genesis isn’t the beginning of her family’s story of struggle. That began long ago — decades before Genesis was ever born. And she isn’t the first in her family to suffer from malnutrition. Unfortunately, malnutrition is a vicious...
Building hope out of the ashes in Guatemala

Building hope out of the ashes in Guatemala

Orlando will never forget the day the sky fell in Los Lotes, Guatemala.It started as a normal June day. He went to work, saw his friends, and thought about going home to his son and his beloved village. But then the volcano erupted — and everything changed.Burning ash...
A house of hope in Guatemala

A house of hope in Guatemala

The day Kelly died was one of the hardest days of David and Carol Loveland’s life. No parent plans to bury his or her child. So when David and Carol’s daughter passed away at the age of 38, they both were at a loss of how to move forward. The grief was too much for...
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