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Bibles help persecuted Christians stay the course

Bibles help persecuted Christians stay the course

For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. — Romans 15:4, ESV The pungent aroma of incense floated around the temple. Cymbals clanged and voices...
5 ways you can pray for persecuted Christians

5 ways you can pray for persecuted Christians

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. — Romans 8:18, NIV As the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church approaches, we are reminded again to pray for persecuted Christians. Prayer like...
Bringing hope to persecuted Christians in Uganda

Bringing hope to persecuted Christians in Uganda

Uganda took in more African refugees in 2016 than the whole of Europe; most were from South Sudan. Many were Christians fleeing persecution. As their displacement drags on, they are feeling discouraged, according to a representative with the U.N. Refugee Agency....
You haven’t heard Sascha’s story. But you should.

You haven’t heard Sascha’s story. But you should.

One day. That’s all it took for one woman’s life to change forever. To keep her identity safe, we’ll call her Sascha. Sascha waved goodbye to her husband as he traveled down the path to pick up supplies at the store. When he disappeared from sight, she went back...
One refugee family’s journey to holistic healing

One refugee family’s journey to holistic healing

When Aya closed her eyes, she could still see the image of her husband being dragged away by soldiers. And when she imagined the torture he endured daily in prison, her spirit was shattered. Aya is a Syrian refugee whose name we’ve changed to keep her safe. She’s a...
Refugee children face the brutal heat without water

Refugee children face the brutal heat without water

Iraq’s intense summer heat is making life unbearable for refugees, especially children. The story I’m about to tell you is tragic and heartbreaking … but I hope it will show you the great need for us to take action. By choosing to act now, your help can save a life....
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