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Kids helping kids: Make a world of difference

Kids helping kids: Make a world of difference

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is a familiar concept for most of us. Maybe you attended VBS as a child, maybe you’re a VBS volunteer at your church, or maybe you send your own children. No matter how you’ve been involved, you probably remember the happy faces of children...
Every day can be Freedom Friday

Every day can be Freedom Friday

In places like Thailand and the Banchara community in India, prostitution is culturally accepted just like any other business. Societal pressure often pushes girls into this work even if they want nothing to do with it. The sad truth is, most of these girls have no...
Your love arrived in rural India

Your love arrived in rural India

Manisha was only a few years old when her low-caste, impoverished community dissolved into mayhem. Her rural village of Nath Maholla was overlooked for centuries. Desperation skyrocketed when government regulations banned one of the community’s main sources of income:...
Meet Mayra: Fight for her

Meet Mayra: Fight for her

Mayra is a lot like any other 7-year-old girl. She loves to make new friends, play games, and laugh. But there is one major difference — Mayra’s mother is a prostitute … and in just five years, Mayra will be expected to join the sex industry as well. We’ve changed her...

transforming borkeda

Several years ago, Barbra Bhai painfully watched as her children walked down the road to their home, struggling to stand upright due to the weight of the jerry cans they carried. The children should have been in school, but instead they spent their days walking to the...
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