When disaster struck in 2019, you were there. This year, Hurricane Dorian decimated the Bahamas, and it was unlike anything people there had experienced before. The winds screamed and the rain fell as people prayed for survival. Many described it as the scariest...
For a community to thrive, it needs essentials like schools, churches, sturdy homes, medical clinics, and access to clean water. Without these resources, the people living there — generation after generation — will remain shackled to poverty. Last year, you helped...
“Children are one third of our population and all of our future.” This statement was first made nearly 40 years ago by the Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health. And while population statistics may have fluctuated throughout the years, the second part of this...
“For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son …” (John 3:16, KJV) If you grew up going to church, this is likely one of the first verses you learned. It sums up the greatest truth there is — that we are loved by God, and that Jesus is the only way to...
For years, Paul searched for answers as tragedy after tragedy struck his family. But his search was in vain. Growing up, he was taught to depend on the local Hindu gods for protection and blessing. But when his father died in a violent bicycle crash, leaving the...
Thank you for supporting the Children of the World International Children’s Choir throughout 2018. Whether you attended a concert at your church, hosted some of the children in your home, or simply prayed for them as they traveled on tour, you played a part in helping...