The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. — James 5:16b (KJV) Never have I seen this verse so clearly demonstrated as I did this past week along the North Korean border. I had the privilege of attending a prayer service with 200 South Korean...
Maybe you’ve always had a heart for reaching the world with the Gospel — but for one reason or another, you haven’t been able to go yourself. Health conditions, family obligations, and vocational limitations are real restrictions that keep many Christians from going...
Seventeen years ago, Nancy Dunn attended a Children of the World International Children’s Choir concert and was so moved by their performance that she made a decision to raise funds to build a church in India. But she never imagined the incredible impact that decision...
I am a new believer in Christ. In October last year, I came to this church when a friend asked me to come, and two months later, I became a Christian. Praise the Lord! The transformation happening in China is proof that Christianity thrives under persecution. Deep in...
I want to share a special, urgent need with you. For impoverished children living in India, an incredible event is only weeks away — Vacation Bible School (VBS). But their families can’t afford it. For just $5, you can send one child to a three-day VBS program and...
Our modern world is filled with incredible darkness, and global connectivity means that news reports and disturbing images of evil and suffering are just a few clicks away. And yet, despite growing awareness, it’s easier than ever to close our hearts to the hurt,...