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Why should you still care about refugees?

Why should you still care about refugees?

After years of seeing televised footage of overcrowded refugee camps, it’s challenging not to become overwhelmed … or worse yet, apathetic. Across the world, there are an estimated 65 million displaced people — in Uganda, Syria, Jordan, South Sudan, Iraq, and beyond....
It’s never too early to start planning for summer

It’s never too early to start planning for summer

Vacation Bible School (VBS) is still months away, but chances are your church is already planning. Every year churches use VBS as a special way to reach children with the Gospel. But churches in America aren’t the only ones that use VBS to teach kids about God’s Word....
A life torn apart … healed with a gift

A life torn apart … healed with a gift

Aria stood alone in her kitchen, preparing her family’s dinner. She hauled an oversized pot onto the stovetop and slowly poured in cooking oil. She cut up vegetables and meat just as her mother had shown her when she was a little girl. Now at 14 years old, Aria knew...
The meaning behind your sponsored child’s name

The meaning behind your sponsored child’s name

What is it that makes being called by name so special? Maybe it makes us feel known or understood. Maybe we like knowing that someone cared enough to remember. But no matter why you like it, we can all agree that names are special. That’s why it’s so important to...
Refugees face extreme winter temperatures

Refugees face extreme winter temperatures

Stomachs constrict with hunger. Limbs ache from the cold. Illness runs rampant in the overcrowded refugee camps. Refugees endure brutal conditions — especially during the winter months. After fleeing from civil war or violent radical groups such as ISIS, many refugees...
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