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Hope Amidst Terror

Recently, the Kony 2012 video has been seen by more than 65 million people. Kony 2012 is an initiative seeking justice for the atrocities Joseph Kony committed through the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). His infamous tactics involved abducting children, stripping them...

the legacy of Joshua’s well

The sound of clapping and cheers flooded over Tammy Cupp like a wave as she passed by the villagers of Manzanotal, Guatemala. Though she smiled genuinely as she saw their faces, tears still streamed silently down her cheeks. This was truly a joyous occasion for Tammy...

Walmart gives water

In March 2011, Jacob Frias, general regional director for Walmart, was given a DVD to watch. Kevin Presley, who works for Jacob, had gotten the DVD from a Children of the World concert at his church in Southhaven, Mississippi. Kevin’s heart was touched when he heard...

introducing the Dean-Hills!

At causelife, we recognize that the work we do is only made possible with the help of our friends and supporters. You make it possible for wells to be dug and lives to be saved. Therefore, we want this year to be more about YOU! Over the course of the year, we are...

How Do You Measure Impact?

When it comes to numbers and figures, sometimes the scope is just too wide to grasp, too cut and dry to internalize into something meaningful. How can we connect with the people behind the numbers? Over the course of 20 years, God has allowed me to be involved in some...

Horn of Africa Crisis Continues

My experience at Dadaab refugee camp, as you will see in this video, rivals any humanitarian crisis I’ve ever witnessed. In a dusty haze that cloaked the entire camp in an eerie hue of red, I sensed helplessness; I saw hollow eyes and empty hands; I touched the sick...
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