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Your 2017 impact in photos: Humanitarian aid

Your 2017 impact in photos: Humanitarian aid

The year 2017 could be remembered as a year full of natural disasters, violence, and pain. But your generosity transformed 2017 into the year that thousands of people received urgent care at a time when they were the most vulnerable. When you heard about disasters...
Your 2017 impact: Bible distribution and church planting

Your 2017 impact: Bible distribution and church planting

But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint. — Isaiah 40:31, ESV At the end of 2017, hope became a rare and precious commodity. Earthquakes,...
Thank you for changing lives in 2017

Thank you for changing lives in 2017

Happy New Year from all of us at World Help! When I look back over 2017, I am reminded of the many difficulties, struggles, and disasters our world has faced this year. But I’m also reminded of hope that overcame these situations because of your generosity. I am so...
Merry Christmas from the Children of the World!

Merry Christmas from the Children of the World!

The boys and girls in the Children of the World choir are so excited to be spending their first holiday season in the United States! For Thanksgiving, they decorated fall-themed cookies and made turkey hats, which they proudly wore while they enjoyed a traditional...
You’ve heard their stories. How will you respond?

You’ve heard their stories. How will you respond?

In the news, there are countless stories of refugees all over our world who have fled for their lives and now are struggling to survive. As you read, watch, and think about their stories, I hope you’ll be praying for the many people suffering far from home. And I hope...
Children of the World: Just getting started

Children of the World: Just getting started

The 2017-2018 Children of the World choir hit the road in August, and they’ve been having adventures ever since! They have seen the country, tried new foods, and learned so much, all while sharing the Good News about Jesus!  After several weeks of training this...
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