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What You Did to Change the World in Just One Month

What You Did to Change the World in Just One Month

  Seeing the incredible impact the World Help family makes every month is truly amazing! You’re always finding new ways to spread lifesaving help and hope worldwide. In one short month, the World Help family … Provided critical relief to refugees from Ukraine and...
How To Multiply Your Impact 16x

How To Multiply Your Impact 16x

  As prices climb and shortages continue, people living in poverty can’t afford the essentials like food, clothing, and medical equipment they need to survive. Thankfully, many of these items have already been donated and are in our warehouse, waiting to be...
Pakistan is Running Out of Water

Pakistan is Running Out of Water

  It’s 1 a.m. in a neighborhood in urban Pakistan. Everyone should be asleep. Instead, the streets and homes are buzzing with activity. But these families don’t have a choice — their lives depend on staying awake. Men and women wait in their doorways with stacks...
Your Giving Helps Real People Like Priya, Katty, and Juliana!

Your Giving Helps Real People Like Priya, Katty, and Juliana!

  What kind of impact do you have when you give where needed most? We’re glad you asked! We promise that your gifts will always be used to meet the most urgent needs around the globe — which encompasses many different areas. You’ll provide essentials like...
[Video Devotional]: What is Your True North?

[Video Devotional]: What is Your True North?

  “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” – Proverbs 16:9 (NIV) As technology advances, the world seems to get smaller and smaller. We can go anywhere, do anything, and it’s almost impossible to get lost if you have your...
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