One of the benefits of keeping your money in the bank is the assurance that your funds will be safe. You can take money out any time you want, and the money in your account will earn interest. But what if, one day, most of your money just disappeared or the...
There is nothing that the World Help family can’t do. Our incredible donors and volunteers are changing the world … one life at a time. Check out all the ways they provided help and hope around the globe in just ONE month: The World Help family provided...
Tomorrow is International Women’s Day. That means it’s time to rally behind women fighting for basic human rights … to rally behind women fighting for survival. All around the globe, women living in poverty are in desperate need of help and hope....
If you’re anything like me, it’s hard not to jump on a good deal. Whether I’m getting groceries, filling up at a gas station, or looking for new shoes, nothing draws me in like a great sale! But did you know you can apply the same mentality when donating...
The birth of a baby is something to be celebrated. We have gender reveal parties and baby showers. Families and friends are drawn together in anticipation. It’s a time filled with love and excitement for what’s to come — but when Tatyana and her...
When you think about the last day of the year, you probably think about Dec. 31. But what if I told you that March 31 also marks the end of a year? For the World Help family, another deadline is rapidly approaching … one that’s just as important as the...