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Sponsorship: Children Teaching Children

Ezra walked slowly through the aisles of the store with his mother gazing upon the unending shelves of toys. But unlike most boys his age, he wasn’t consumed with thoughts about which of these toys he wanted. Instead, his six-year-old mind was preoccupied with an...

The Secret to Seeing Beyond Yourself

Brianna climbed into the dirt-covered suburban carrying only a child-sized backpack in her hands. As the driver began to pull away, she gazed out the window at the Guatemalan landscape in wonder and unbelief. Could this really be happening? The backpack in her hands...

A Love That Bridges Worlds

Carol Malandro was eagerly looking forward to attending a Children of the World  concert, but she had no idea how much it would impact her life. There was something in the faces of the children . . . something in their eyes that struck her in the deepest places of her...

When Relationships Move Mountains

Robert Kay was only a teenager when he first set his sights on Everest. There was a thirst for adventure rooted deeply in his heart, and no ordinary mountain was going to suffice. As the years of discipline and rigorous training added on, his climbing aspirations only...
A Sponsor’s Journey in Rwanda

A Sponsor’s Journey in Rwanda

  Caline is an 11-year-old girl residing in Rwanda, specifically staying at the Star School during the school year. She is full of life and is described by her teacher as playful and silly. Caline was orphaned at a young age, but she still has family members who...
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