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Pastor Resources



Want to learn more about how your church can get involved in unique ministry opportunities around the world? Check out the free resources below to get started. Use these videos, testimonies, and downloadable assets to get everyone in your church family excited about global missions!

Village Transformation



Pastor Testimonial

Pastor Eugene Juarez’s Story


Preview thumbnail for the article: Transforming a village: From a pastor’s home to ice cream cones
Village Transformation

Transforming a village: From a pastor’s home to ice cream cones

“It’s not an ‘either/or,’” Pastor Joe explained. “It’s . . .

Preview thumbnail for the article: ‘The best Thanksgiving ever’
Village Transformation

‘The best Thanksgiving ever’

Not many families would willingly give up spending Thanksgiving with . . .

Preview thumbnail for the article: The village of El Paraiso is looking a lot different these days
Village Transformation

The village of El Paraiso is looking a lot different these days

Nix and Linnea Daniel first heard about the needs in Guatemala when a . . .

Bibles for All



What is a Bible desert?


Preview thumbnail for the article: You Invested in the Next Generation by Providing Bibles!

You Invested in the Next Generation by Providing Bibles!

There is nothing I love more than hearing stories about the next . . .

Preview thumbnail for the article: This Ukrainian Man is Unrecognizable After Reading the Bible!

This Ukrainian Man is Unrecognizable After Reading the Bible!

  I recently heard a story about a man in Ukraine and felt an . . .

Preview thumbnail for the article: How Ilya Found Peace in the Middle of War

How Ilya Found Peace in the Middle of War

  God’s Word often reaches people in their darkest moments — . . .

Vacation Bible School


2019 VBS Project Update


How VBS Changes the Life of a Child in India


4 ways kids can connect with a child in India

The world can seem like an enormous place to a young child. A country . . .

Do you remember this song from VBS?

“My God is so big, so strong, and so mighty! There’s nothing my . . .

How VBS converted a priest and blessed a village

The Hindu priest walked up to the man preaching God’s Word … and . . .

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