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Spiritual Development1 min read


Making the most of International Day of Prayer

Nov 06, 2016

Today is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.

We want to encourage you to take a moment today to pray for Christians suffering for their faith.

Here are some urgent prayer requests to get you started:


Pray for Iraqis and Syrians who are displaced around the world — that they will lead many Muslims to Christ and that members of ISIS will come to know Jesus.


Pray for Indian Christians living in states with anti-conversion laws and those being pressured to convert back to Hinduism.


Pray for Nigerian Christians who have been driven from their homes by Boko Haram and that these militants will come to know Jesus Christ.

We have a unique privilege and responsibility as Christians to pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ.

Don’t let the day pass without stopping to pray.

You also can help a refugee suffering at the hands of ISIS. For just $35, you can give clean water, food, medical supplies, blankets, shoes, and more. Your giving will be a tangible reminder to a refugee suffering at the hands of ISIS that God has not forgotten him and that someone across the world cares for him.

Please pray, and please give to a refugee in need this International Day of Prayer!


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