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Operation Baby Rescue

Your continued support, campaigning, and generous donations to Operation Baby Rescue have helped rescue and restore the lives of hundreds of malnourished children . . . some at the brink of death. Our rescue programs in Uganda, Haiti, and Guatemala would not be possible without your investment . . . you are truly investing in something that will outlive you and last for eternity.

Published: August 4, 2015

Additional Reading

Project Update

Guatemala and Uganda Guatemala and Uganda

In 2014 alone, your gifts enabled our partners to save 296 children from severe malnourishment . . . 296 boys and girls who are now living healthier, happier lives. With your help, our partners are working diligently to reach children who are in desperate need. While each child’s condition is different, they all receive quality care and most regain their full health enabling them to live a normal life.

We saw great strides in all of our rescue programs last year, including one rescue home campaign that was introduced in Uganda to provide three additional homes with the capacity to house 60 more rescued children. The response from our supporters was overwhelming and the homes are up and running, providing children with a safe and caring home environment.

Here are two stories of children who specifically benefited from our rescue programs in Guatemala and Uganda.

Benedictor Huales García

Before coming to the rescue center, Benedictor’s entire body was swollen past the point of recognition . . . his stomach so engorged it looked as if it was ready to explode. Weighing only 39 pounds at age 5, his arms and legs were inflamed, and he could barely open his eyes. The sight was truly devastating.

Our team found him on the dirt floor of his family’s small, wooden house. They brought him to the rescue center so he could receive the help he so desperately needed. Benedictor and his family were living in extreme poverty and had not eaten for days because their crops had dried up, and his parents were unable to find work. They were so grateful for the care provided to their son . . . care that saved his life and gave this family hope.

Umar Mutyaba

Umar’s mother has five children to care for on her own. The children’s fathers abandoned them without offering any type of support. While she used to earn a small income as a street vendor, a new policy in their village abolished vendors from selling their merchandise on the streets leaving her unable to feed and support her children. Umar is now living at one of the rescue homes in Uganda where he receives the support he needs to grow and mature into a healthy young boy. This rescue home was an answer to his mother’s prayers, and she’s so appreciative for the care her son is receiving.

Beneditor and Umar are just two of the hundreds of children helped each year by Operation Baby Rescue.

The continued life-saving efforts in Guatemala, Uganda, and Haiti would not be possible without your dedication and unwavering love for the suffering children who were born into extreme poverty.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support as we actively work to provide the medical care and nutrition necessary for the survival and growth of these precious children.

Additional Reading
    • What Choosing Life Really Means
    • Less than a week ago, we celebrated the most powerful moment in human history—when our Rescuer overcame the throws of death and replaced it with the most precious gift possible: abundant life.

    • The Beauty of New Beginnings
    • The sun had barely risen in the sky, when 5-year-old Genesis watched as her grandmother’s wrinkled hands flew to prepare a day’s supply of homemade corn tortillas to sell from the tiny cart she stationed on the edge of the street.

    • The Secret to Seeing Beyond Yourself
    • Brianna climbed into the dirt-covered suburban carrying only a child-sized backpack in her hands. As the driver began to pull away, she gazed out the window at the Guatemalan landscape in wonder and unbelief.

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