I always look forward to sharing Bibles for All updates with you. And if you’ve been following along, you’ve probably noticed that many recent updates have come from South Asia. While our Bibles for All Ambassadors work to spread the Gospel across...
It seems like the world is getting smaller every day. Technology has made travel and communication so much easier. You can get the latest news on the war in Ukraine, book a flight to Cuba, and so much more in seconds. But despite how far we’ve come, there are...
Our Bibles for All Ambassadors are committed to distributing God’s Word in some of the most spiritually dark places on earth … including countries like the Central African Republic. The Central African Republic, known as the CAR, is one of the most...
The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is tomorrow. And this year, we’re focusing on praying for one of the most dangerous countries in the world for Christians: North Korea. Will you join us in surrounding our brothers and sisters in Christ in...
Jerusalem — the Holy City within the Holy Lands. It’s where Jesus preached, died on the cross, and came back to life. It was the birthplace of the church as we know it. And as the Gospel spread around the globe, other cities in different countries were...