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Sponsors We Love: Karin & Stanley’s Story

When Children of the World International Children’s Choir first came to her church, Karin knew she had to get involved with child sponsorship. “I have been working with children for many years . . . and that placed this incredible love for children on my heart,” Karin...

2015 Impact: Child Development

The incredible impact sponsors make on a child is truly an eternal one . . . one that makes a difference in a single child’s life that not only helps them today but provides them hope for a more promising future. In 2015, World Help saw incredible growth in our Child...

3 Reasons to Write to Your Sponsored Child This Christmas

I can’t believe it’s almost Christmas. There is something about the Christmas season that brings such excitement to so many people, but more than all of the excitement from family events and beautiful decorations, it’s a time to reflect on the ultimate gift we...

Why Sponsor: A Far-Reaching Impact

A sponsor’s reach goes beyond the $35 gift each month. It even goes further than the letters and gifts sent and the time spent in prayer for their sponsored child. All these aspects together have a far greater reach than we could ever imagine. Sponsorship has an...

Child Sponsorship: What One Family Didn’t Expect

Carol was there the day her daughter and son-in-law received a very special letter in the mail. She was there to witness genuine excitement wash over them as they proudly held up the envelope that said, “A letter from your sponsored child.” Carol watched their faces...
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