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The Secret to Seeing Beyond Yourself

Brianna climbed into the dirt-covered suburban carrying only a child-sized backpack in her hands. As the driver began to pull away, she gazed out the window at the Guatemalan landscape in wonder and unbelief. Could this really be happening? The backpack in her hands...

Why Investing In Global Education Matters

The moment a sponsor decides to support a child for $35 a month, everything begins to change. In an instant, a child without a stable way of accessing nutritious food, clean water, medical attention, education, and spiritual enrichment now has the ability at her...

Sponsorship: A Reflection of God’s Love

Sumit paced slowly up the parched, dirt hill that led to his home. His legs felt like lead as they left wispy trails of dust behind him with each dragging motion. His sister’s small arms clung around his neck, her head burrowed deep into his shoulder. He could feel...

Why Sponsor? It’s About Your Story Too

Why Sponsor  is about more than you might think. We hear the same message from all sorts of organizations about why sponsorship is important, but this time, we want to hear from you—the people who sacrifice and commit to sponsorship . . .  and have been changed...

When Relationships Move Mountains

Robert Kay was only a teenager when he first set his sights on Everest. There was a thirst for adventure rooted deeply in his heart, and no ordinary mountain was going to suffice. As the years of discipline and rigorous training added on, his climbing aspirations only...
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