The last couple of years have been hard for everyone, but Bishal almost didn’t make it out alive. Bishal lives in South Asia with his parents, who work as missionaries in the surrounding villages. Thanks to Bishal’s child sponsors, he has access to all the essentials...
Let’s take a stroll down memory lane … Remember in school when you didn’t understand something? What did you do? Hopefully, you raised your hand and asked a question. Likewise, you may have some questions about sponsoring a child in another country. Or maybe...
Good things come in small packages, right? As you purchase Valentine’s Day cards and chocolates for your loved ones, don’t forget to pick up a little something extra for your sponsored child, too. Everyone loves receiving gifts and feeling special, and your sponsored...
Last year proved to be another difficult one for children in need around the world. Several countries went back under lockdowns. Parents lost their jobs, and schools closed. Children who normally depended on school lunches suddenly had no meals or education. But the...
Christmas is just a few days away! Most likely, you’ve got plans to spend this week with your family, friends, and the people who mean the most to you. But there’s probably one boy or girl you won’t be able to celebrate in person with that you wish you could — your...