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A Generation Transformed: Hope for Nepal’s Children

Today, I spent time with dozens of Nepal’s future leaders . . . children whose lives have been rescued from suffering and abandonment, class oppression, and the crippling effects of poverty. Children who were once unwanted but now have found a place to call home . . ....

Watch: Message To Liberty University

Wednesday morning, I had the honor of speaking at my alma mater, Liberty University. This week is Global Focus Week at Liberty—an incredible time where thousands of hearts are being tuned in to what God is doing around the world and challenged to get actively...

Crisis in Syria: The Choice We Have to Make

I’m on my way home from Syria, passing over the rubble of a nation that has been crushed by violence and crippled by fear. Tens of thousands have been butchered, and millions—having lost all they have—are now losing hope. In just a couple of days, I will be speaking...

Life After Escape: Syrians Waiting For Hope

The U.N. reports the arrival of 3,000 Syrian refugees into Jordan every day. For most of them, their only concern is to escape the terror they’ve experienced in Syria. But they could never anticipate the new misery that awaits them. A typical day for these refugees is...
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