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Back to School: Building the Future by Investing in Education

It’s that time of year again . . . School-age children and parents everywhere are visiting classrooms, buying notebooks and backpacks, and anticipating another exciting and eventful year . . . it’s time to go back to school! While most of us have the luxury of...

Restoring Hope for Abused Victims in Peru

Today, I desperately need your help. I’m asking you to join me in an incredible groundbreaking project for young girls facing some heartbreaking circumstances. I just returned from Peru . . . and in only a few short days, I traveled to the jungles of the Amazon, the...

From the Field: In the Heart of Peru

Today is my last day in Peru . . . one of the most diverse and fascinating places I have ever visited. The people here are extraordinary, but they face some enormous challenges. In only a few short days, I’ve been in the jungles of the Amazon, the peaks of the Andes...

From the Field in Syria | A Mother’s Worst Nightmare

I met a refugee mother at the Syrian border today whose heart is breaking for her four-month-old son, Mohammed. He’s dying. Struggling against the cancerous tumor that has appeared on the side of his face and with no hope of proper medical care, his future looks...
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