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Syria at War: Traveling to the Frontlines

Over 17,000 Syrians have been brutally murdered, and most of the world is doing nothing about it. How many people have to die before this crisis gets our attention? How many innocent children need to suffer before we choose to act? Tomorrow, I will be traveling to...

Refugee Crisis Escalates in Syria

Last night, 78 more Syrian civilians were mercilessly slaughtered in a small farming town in the province of Hama. The victims were mostly women and children—innocent and completely defenseless—marking yet another astonishing tragedy in this unfolding crisis. Children...

Snapshots from Guatemala

Today’s guest blogger is Ryley Rush, a recent World Help trip participant, and a member of the Austin Guatemala Project. AGP is a movement amongst twenty churches in Austin, Texas, to ignite a passion for missions through transforming the village of Pueblo...

How Do You Measure Impact?

When it comes to numbers and figures, sometimes the scope is just too wide to grasp, too cut and dry to internalize into something meaningful. How can we connect with the people behind the numbers? Over the course of 20 years, God has allowed me to be involved in some...

Haiti’s Greatest Need

Last week, I was with a World Help team in Haiti, a nation still recovering from the devastating earthquake of January 2010. This natural disaster has produced some of the most complex and debilitating circumstances for a country already struggling under the weight of...
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