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When a father can’t feed his children…

When a father can’t feed his children…

“Please take my kids!” Mahdi’s desperate plea cracked over the poor reception of the phone line. And our partner in Jordan thought he must have heard Mahdi incorrectly. But he repeated, “Please take my kids.” Because he could no longer feed them. We’ve changed Mahdi’s...
How to pray for the world’s tough issues

How to pray for the world’s tough issues

These days it seems like the world is spinning out of control. There’s a lot of pain, fear, and evil. But just because there are struggles doesn’t mean we should give up on trying to make a difference. It just means we should be praying even harder and more fervently....
Water finally within reach

Water finally within reach

Wrangling your kids to get out the door on time for church, a trip to the grocery store, or an outing at the mall can make you want to pull your hair out. Making sure they hold your hand in the parking lot. Checking that they don’t sneeze on (or eat!) the produce....
Too traumatized to speak: life as a child refugee

Too traumatized to speak: life as a child refugee

CRASH! Nabil had never heard such a loud and terrifying noise before. When the dust and smoke settled, he could see the early morning sunlight pouring in where the ceiling of his house had been just seconds before. Fragments of a missile littered the rubble. As the...
Your impact in 2019: Improving the lives of children

Your impact in 2019: Improving the lives of children

“Children are one third of our population and all of our future.” This statement was first made nearly 40 years ago by the Select Panel for the Promotion of Child Health. And while population statistics may have fluctuated throughout the years, the second part of this...
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