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Two brothers run for their lives

Two brothers run for their lives

Asim closed his eyes, but he could still feel the machine gun his brother had jammed against his head. He waited for what felt like years for his brother to pull the trigger. His other brother, Rashid, shook with fear beside him. It was their worst nightmare … that...
China specifically targets Christians living in poverty

China specifically targets Christians living in poverty

Holding welfare checks as ransom, China is now ordering Christians to take down crosses and images of Jesus and replace them with pictures of Chinese leaders. Chinese believers have faced persecution for years, but it is usually unseen by outsiders and rarely makes...
Madesh was a theology student … with no Bible

Madesh was a theology student … with no Bible

“I am very happy and thankful for this precious Book of Life.” It’s not every day you hear those words in South Asia, a place where owning a Bible is rare. But Madesh is one of the fortunate ones. He received his own copy of God’s Word and a Bible commentary because...
These persecuted believers are my role models in the faith

These persecuted believers are my role models in the faith

My faith has been completely transformed because of the Christians I have met around the world. Twenty-eight years ago, World Help was founded … and it all began with a Bible. Back in 1991, I was told about a need — a need for Bibles in Russia and other parts of...
Free resources for International Day of Prayer

Free resources for International Day of Prayer

A young man makes his way down the street during the wee hours of the morning. He glances around cautiously before entering the apartment. Inside, his eyes adjust to the darkness, and he sees his friends — kneeling on the ground, hands clasped in prayer. For the next...
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