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Advent: the season of light

Advent: the season of light

Savita stooped to place flowers, sweets, and coins before the idols at the temple in his Indian village. He gave as much as he could in order to find favor with the Hindu gods. But day after day as he lit another candle at an idol’s feet, he felt empty … his offerings...
Reach the world for Christ. Help plant churches.

Reach the world for Christ. Help plant churches.

Maybe you’ve always had a heart for reaching the world with the Gospel — but for one reason or another, you haven’t been able to go yourself. Health conditions, family obligations, and vocational limitations are real restrictions that keep many Christians from going...
Want some encouragement? See how God is at work …

Want some encouragement? See how God is at work …

Seventeen years ago, Nancy Dunn attended a Children of the World International Children’s Choir concert and was so moved by their performance that she made a decision to raise funds to build a church in India. But she never imagined the incredible impact that decision...
Light in the midst of darkness

Light in the midst of darkness

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” — Psalm 46:10 The year 2016 has been anything but still. It seemed like everywhere we turned, violence was erupting, rage was the tone of our dialogue, or terror...
Nepali Christians fight against centuries of Hindu tradition

Nepali Christians fight against centuries of Hindu tradition

With its snow-covered peaks and rolling green hills — not to mention being home to Mt. Everest — Nepal is arguably one of the most beautiful nations on earth. But above the picturesque skylines, thousands of Hindu temples loom as constant reminders of this country’s...
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