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We are proud to be reviewed and held accountable by these independent third-party organizations.

On the Field in Peru: Restoring Hope for Abuse Victims

In Peru, no one talks about abuse. It’s so common for young girls and women—even boys—to be victimized that it’s no longer shocking . . . it simply becomes a part of life. That is one of the reasons we’re working in Peru . . . to bring awareness, healing, and...

On the Field in Peru: Expanding Our Impact

Today, I’m on my way to Peru with an awesome team of World Help staff and supporters. This will be my second trip to Peru in a year as we continue our life-changing work on the ground through the exciting new partnership we established in 2012. Before my first visit...

Breaking the Chains of Oppression

Dilip has dedicated his life to taking the Gospel to those who have never heard in India. But not long ago, he was on a very different path . . . Dilip used to be a Hindu priest. His story of transformation started on the road to the largest gathering of mankind . . ....

When Vision Comes to Life

To paraphrase one of my favorite John Maxwell quotes: If your vision doesn’t make people laugh, it simply isn’t big enough. I call the work we do every day at World Help a series of “God-sized tasks”—because it if were up to our own strength, we’d fail every time. But...

Reaching India and Nepal With Help and Hope

Today, I’m on my way to the other side of the world . . . to the Hindu kingdoms of Nepal and India. Some of my most vivid impressions of poverty and hopelessness occurred on my visits to these incredible nations. Such as visiting the Ganges River, where 80...
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