Did you know that even though water covers most of Earth’s surface, only 3% is actually drinkable? And out of that, we only have reliable access to a tiny amount — less than 2%, to be specific. When we turn on the faucet to wash our hands or grab a bottle of...
Today is International Women’s Day. And with all the issues facing our world today, you might be wondering why should we single out the issues facing women? Why should we care? Well, for one thing we worship a Savior who went out of His way to associate with...
The idea of changing the world is intimidating, and sometimes we feel like we can’t do anything on our own. Sometimes, it feels like you can’t make a difference if you aren’t a celebrity with a huge platform or don’t have much disposable income. But that’s not...
In many remote villages around the world, essentials like clean water and sturdy homes are hard to come by. Water sources are limited to dirty ponds or streams, and some families don’t even have a roof over their heads. But thanks to the World Help family, 94...
Have you ever thought about all the different options we have when it comes to simple drinking water? You can get it from the tap or in a bottle. Plain or flavored. With or without bubbles. Sometimes it’s even enhanced with minerals. Unfortunately, Reina had none of...