Imagine: Your home has been destroyed, your livelihood, the town you live in, and everyone you know has either been executed or forced to flee for their lives. Your entire country has become a death trap, and relentless anxiety has inflicted irreparable trauma on...
The worry and anxiety of thousands of stranded refugees is becoming increasingly palpable in Greece. Over 113,000 refugees have crossed into the country since the start of 2016 according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). This week, the United...
You may be watching the historic crisis unfolding before your eyes on the news—desperate Middle Eastern migrants doing whatever they can just to survive. You see their defeated faces as they are denied entrance at European borders, having already risked their lives...
More than 15 million people have been displaced in the ongoing Middle East conflict, triggering the world’s largest refugee crisis since World War II. As violence, sickness, and hunger threaten these families, they are choosing to make the most dangerous journey yet:...
Every day, I try to live my life in such a way that I accomplish at least one thing that will outlive me and last for eternity.
Vernon Brewer President, World Help
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