World Food Day: Not everyone has a pantry full of groceries
Can you imagine walking into your kitchen, opening the pantry, and finding nothing but dust and cobwebs? The shelves are bare. Your wallet is empty. And you have no idea when you’ll be able to eat again. Unfortunately, this is reality for people like Martha. She used...
Blind, jobless, and running out of food
Raising an 8-year-old and a 2-year-old is a challenge. I know. As a mom, I’ve been there. And Saira and her husband are doing it while blind. They’ve learned to make it work, though. Saira has been blind since birth, and her husband has been blind since he was 10....
Did you know shipping and handling can help save lives?
“I call so much to God that angels will come to release a little of the burden that I carry day by day,” Maxima said. That burden includes venturing out in the Guatemalan heat to tend to her small garden so she can eat each day. It’s much too heavy a burden to bear on...