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5 Creative Ways to Help a Child in Need

Sponsorship is one of the easiest yet most powerful ways you can be the one to change the life of a child in need. For just over a dollar a day, you can make sure your sponsored child receives things like food, clothing, medical care, educational assistance, and...

Water Can Make a Difference All Year Long

This March, World Help focused on the power of clean water to transform communities around the world. It’s amazing that something as simple as clean water can give hope for a brighter future, create time for new economic opportunities, and overwhelmingly improve...

Will You Choose to be an Influencer?

With poverty so evident around the world today, it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to ignore the daily realities of those living in impoverished communities. It’s hard to connect with their circumstances when so much is readily available here in America. But as...

5 Keys to Finishing Your Fundraiser Strong

How do you make the final push to the finish line? Here are a few tips to end your fundraiser with maximum impact. 1.  Leverage Your Network Specifically ask friends or family to share your campaign on social media. Make sure you do this strategically, and don’t...

Fundraiser Lagging? Here’s the Recipe for Your Comeback.

You’ve made your fundraising page, shared it on social media, and even received a few donations. But now that the initial excitement is beginning to fade, you may wonder if you’ll be able to reach $450. We’ve got your back. Here are some tips for rekindling interest...
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