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Not forgotten in 2016: Thousands shown God’s love

Not forgotten in 2016: Thousands shown God’s love

When the members of Abundant Life Church in Uniontown, Pennsylvania, committed to help transform the village of La Puente, Guatemala, they knew they would see lives changed … but they had no idea they would witness a miracle. From the moment the church learned about...
Behind the scenes: How generosity becomes hope

Behind the scenes: How generosity becomes hope

You have provided lifesaving supplies to refugees in excruciating need, delivered critical aid to victims of natural disasters the moment it was needed, and provided food and medical care for children on the brink of starvation. But how exactly are your provisions of...

Unpacking Hope in the Middle East

ISIS is crumbling. Refugees believe they may finally return home. But first they must survive … I’m excited to share a very special opportunity with you. Not only can you make a life- changing difference by shipping emergency supplies to areas in urgent need...

No Gift is Too Small to Change the World

Do you ever feel like you have nothing to give? Do you fear that your gifts and talents aren’t valuable enough to make an impact? Leah* is a retired teacher from Florida, who is living proof that when you entrust your gifts and talents to God, He will use them to...

Why I Choose to Sponsor Above All Else

Rebecka Robinson would never see child sponsorship quite the same way after her time in Guatemala. She’d been eagerly anticipating her trip for months. She and her husband, Matt, were searching stores for the perfect gifts to bring to Cristel, the little girl they’d...
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