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The Power Of A Church

There’s a common misconception that comes with giving to international aid work—you must have significant means to make a difference. But in truth, the only things needed to make a difference are willingness and faith. Every day, World Help has the privilege to...

Snapshots from Guatemala

Today’s guest blogger is Ryley Rush, a recent World Help trip participant, and a member of the Austin Guatemala Project. AGP is a movement amongst twenty churches in Austin, Texas, to ignite a passion for missions through transforming the village of Pueblo...

The Difference a Day Can Make

Kender, Mildred, Danny, Brendy– these are the names of just a few of the children who touched my heart last week. They are real children with real and heartbreaking stories. I held them, and for a moment, I experienced part of their lives. I was completely...

Guatemala Trip Update Day Four: Clean Water and TOMS Shoes

Today we visited the village of Los Limones where we saw firsthand the impact a clean water well can have on a community. We also had the opportunity to wash children’s feet and give them each a pair of TOMS shoes. Guatemala Trip Day 4: Clean Water for Limones from...

Guatemala Trip Update: Day Three

Today we had the opportunity to throw a party for the children at the Hope of Life orphanage. And after spending more time at the Baby Rescue Center, I was reminded of how important it is that we continue to rescue malnourished children like three-year-old Estella....
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