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What happens when you help rescue a child?

What happens when you help rescue a child?

Hilda isn’t even 1 year old yet, but she’s already a warrior. She’s faced one of the biggest fights of her life. Severely malnourished and tiny for her age, Hilda was near death when she was brought to a Rescue Center. Thanks to the compassion and generosity of a...
Two months with almost no food

Two months with almost no food

It’s not unusual for a baby to cry, but at two months old, little Mariela Lopez never stopped. She cried from the suffocating heat when the blazing Guatemalan sun beat down on the roof of her family’s mud house. She cried from exhaustion, unable to sleep through the...
Irma traces path of destruction from Cuba to Florida

Irma traces path of destruction from Cuba to Florida

Hurricane Irma wreaks havoc, leaving chaos and turmoil in its wake. Streets are unrecognizable under heavy water in the Caribbean after its destruction. Homes are demolished. Utility poles, signs, and trees have been uprooted. More than 20 people were killed and death...
Your love is worth sharing

Your love is worth sharing

Whether you’re spending Feb. 14 with a significant other, a group of friends, or a pint of ice cream, don’t let the day pass without giving your heart to someone in need.  We believe love is worth sharing.  And this Valentine’s Day, you can do something more...
2016 was a war for hope … and you showed up to fight

2016 was a war for hope … and you showed up to fight

Many of us will remember 2016 as a difficult year across the globe — but because you chose to do something in the midst of tragedy and oppression, 616,520 people facing unimaginable circumstances experienced a life-changing glimpse of God’s love. – You gave...
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