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World Humanitarian Day 2012

This is a day to examine our own lives and consider what more we can do to help—to reach out to people enduring conflict, disaster, and hardship. –U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Today is internationally recognized as World Humanitarian Day. Designated by the...

The Power Of A Church

There’s a common misconception that comes with giving to international aid work—you must have significant means to make a difference. But in truth, the only things needed to make a difference are willingness and faith. Every day, World Help has the privilege to...

Clean Water In Haiti

We are excited to announce a massive undertaking that, when finished, will improve the lives of hundreds of people in Ouanaminthe, Haiti. The island nation of Haiti is the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere, and one of the poorest countries in the world. Basic...

Haiti’s Greatest Need

Last week, I was with a World Help team in Haiti, a nation still recovering from the devastating earthquake of January 2010. This natural disaster has produced some of the most complex and debilitating circumstances for a country already struggling under the weight of...

Got Milk Challenge Extended!

Thank you for your enthusiasm and support of Tour of Hope’s Got Milk campaign for malnourished babies at Danita’s Children in Haiti. So far, we’ve raised a little over 10 percent of our goal in just two weeks! We truly believe that with more time, we can definitely...
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