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Coronavirus around the world: Middle East

Coronavirus around the world: Middle East

Note: This is the third in a four-part series about how the coronavirus is affecting people around the globe. You can read about the effects of the pandemic in Africa here and in Latin America here, and check back soon on our blog to read the final post about Asia. ...
Rita’s life felt empty … until she discovered God’s Word

Rita’s life felt empty … until she discovered God’s Word

When Rita was first offered a Bible, she didn’t want it.“I had heard that people around me had received Bibles, but I wasn’t interested in the Bible,” she said.Rita was devoted to her Muslim faith and the religious duties she had been taught since her youth. She never...
On the Syrian border: A plea for help

On the Syrian border: A plea for help

“People come and go, promising to help,” Tariq said. But that help rarely comes.I met Tariq this week in a refugee camp, where his family is struggling to survive. I’ve changed his name to protect him. They receive a stipend of just $15 per month — an impossibly small...
On the Syrian border: True healing for refugees facing trauma

On the Syrian border: True healing for refugees facing trauma

For many families I’ve met on the Syrian border, their journey to becoming refugees was a traumatic one. They arrive at the camps bearing both physical and emotional scars. This was certainly the case for Mrs. Zin and her family. I’ve shared the beginning of her story...
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