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From the Field in Syria | A Mother’s Worst Nightmare

I met a refugee mother at the Syrian border today whose heart is breaking for her four-month-old son, Mohammed. He’s dying. Struggling against the cancerous tumor that has appeared on the side of his face and with no hope of proper medical care, his future looks...

From the Field in Syria | On Death’s Border

Today, I am on the ground in Jordan right on the edge of the Syrian border. This is one of the many sites along Syria’s outskirts where thousands of Syrian refugees are pouring in every day, fleeing for their lives . . . many have nothing left. All of their loved ones...

Syria at War: Traveling to the Frontlines

Over 17,000 Syrians have been brutally murdered, and most of the world is doing nothing about it. How many people have to die before this crisis gets our attention? How many innocent children need to suffer before we choose to act? Tomorrow, I will be traveling to...

Children Massacred in Syria

The nation of Syria is on the verge of complete collapse. Violence is erupting everywhere, and people are fleeing for their very lives. Thousands have died running or hiding, proving that this brutality has no goal other than to terrorize innocent people . . . even...
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