What happens when you give lifesaving aid?
Have you ever wanted to make a big impact for people in need but felt like you didn’t have the resources? It’s a common misconception that you need massive influence to change the world. In reality, when you give to projects like shipping lifesaving supplies,...
Peru: ‘We are still in an emergency state’
Under the leafy canopy of the Amazon rainforest, the people of Peru are still battling the coronavirus pandemic. Many families have no way to protect themselves. They have no access to proper hygiene. No adequately equipped medical clinics. And those who aren’t...
When living hand-to-mouth is no longer an option
José lost his hand, his mother, and, now, his only source of income. He’s always been an overcomer. But the coronavirus pandemic is one obstacle he can’t battle alone. You know how hard these times can be for people who are out of work. But it’s even more challenging...