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World Help Supporters Provide Aid to Ramadi Refugees

Only a few weeks ago, we received the first harrowing reports of ISIS’s brutal capture of the Iraqi city of Ramadi. Thousands of terrified refugees fled for their lives with nothing but the clothes on their backs . . . another strategic city claimed by the brutal...

What the Church Can Learn from Refugees

ISIS was in a neighboring town when Faraj got the call. “They’ll be here in three days,” his family warned. “We will stay,” Faraj said, firmly. But when local army officers began to flee the village in droves, the truth of the situation forced its way into Faraj’s...

ISIS Seizes Ramadi; Refugee Crisis Reaches New Heights

Ramadi, the capital city of Iraq’s Anbar province was seized only days ago by ISIS forces . . . yet another massive casualty of the extremist group’s notorious cruelty. The capture of the city is deeply significant—on both strategic and humanitarian levels. The main...

Fleeing ISIS: One Woman’s Firsthand Account

“This is the first help we’ve received from anyone,” she gasped, as one of our team members placed an aid package into her outstretched arms. We were at one of our 13 distribution centers near Amman, Jordan, giving out relief supplies to families who had fled over the...

My Greatest Hope for Iraq

Baharka refugee camp is home to over 3,500 displaced Iraqis. They are Christians, Yazidis, and Muslims—all completely destitute from ISIS’s bloody march through the Middle East. Until our teams arrived, nothing had been distributed here through other aid groups for...
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