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From the Field: The life of a child refugee

From the Field: The life of a child refugee

As I walk through refugee camps on the Syrian border I have to tell you, I’m amazed by the number of children here. I can’t imagine raising my own kids or grandkids in these conditions. In one part of the camp, children balance their way across a narrow, exposed pipe...
From the Field: Syrians living in miserable conditions

From the Field: Syrians living in miserable conditions

Many Syrians have fled the violence of civil war and ISIS, but they haven’t escaped the suffering. Right now, I’m in a refugee camp on the Syrian border where families are just trying to survive. They are living in deplorable conditions … there’s trash everywhere. It...
Rescue a Syrian refugee for $35

Rescue a Syrian refugee for $35

Syria is still reeling from the chemical attack on Douma that killed around 75 people. April 7 was every Syrian’s worst nightmare — choking, gasping, fleeing for safety. And how did we respond as a nation? We debated. The Syrian people don’t need another debate about...
Rescue a Syrian refugee for $35

For $35, send food and medicine to a Syrian refugee

Lifeless bodies, babies with blue faces, and children foaming at the mouth. The images of children after the recent chemical attack on Douma, Syria, are hard to witness. Maybe that’s part of the reason why most news outlets have moved on to other stories now that the...
Rescue a Syrian refugee for $35

Urgent update from the frontlines in Syria

Absolute chaos — that’s what life has been like for many Syrians since the brutal chemical attack on Douma this past Saturday. I recently received an update from our partners on the ground about what the situation is like, how they are responding … and how you can...
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