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When help arrives just in time

When help arrives just in time

Sara’s home in the refugee camp no longer felt like a safe haven — instead it seemed like a coffin. It wasn’t long ago that Sara and her family fled for their lives. They used to live in a village outside of Mosul — a village that was full of Christians. Sara knew...
Stand between a child and starvation

Stand between a child and starvation

My nephew’s favorite food is bananas. Usually when he wakes up in the morning, it’s the first word out of his mouth: “Nana!” He knows his breakfast is waiting for him downstairs. But if you were to ask one of the countless children in developing countries what their...
Multiply your gift 33X!

Multiply your gift 33X!

When disaster strikes or poverty devastates a village, the most basic supplies can mean the difference between life and death. Right now, people in countries such as Guatemala, Jordan, and Iraq are suffering without access to lifesaving essentials. Francisca is one of...
BREAKING: Ghouta’s citizens run for their lives

BREAKING: Ghouta’s citizens run for their lives

Citizens in eastern Ghouta, Syria, have been under heavy fire for weeks. Many have hidden in basements, praying the bombs will miss them. But the fighting has become so intense that thousands have decided they must get out; staying on the frontlines is a death...
The day the sky fell in eastern Ghouta

The day the sky fell in eastern Ghouta

Sumaya stands on her toes and peers through the crack in the cement wall. At age 5, she’s a little too short, so she jumps, hoping to see the sun. All she sees is smoke and dust. Sumaya’s home in eastern Ghouta, Syria, has been under siege for weeks. It’s happened...
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