The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is Sunday, Nov. 7. It’s a day devoted to praying for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ around the world who are facing ridicule, torture — and even death — for their faith. That’s why they need your...
Christians around the globe are under attack. In fact, it seems like the number of Christ-followers facing persecution grows every year. And perhaps the worst part of all is that many of these believers don’t even have Bibles to turn to for comfort. With a gift of...
Nov. 1 is the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. If there’s ever been a time for the church to come together and pray, it’s now. Christian persecution is increasing every day. Bibles are being burned in China. North Korean believers are dying in...
Girls and boys around the world are making a difference in their communities by standing up for their faith — even in the midst of persecution. And it’s never too early to teach your children or grandchildren to take a stand for what they believe in, too. One of the...
Although he is North Korean, Jae-jin grew up in China. But his family’s story is still one of persecution and heartache, and to this day, we have to change his name to keep him safe.Today, he is a strong Christian who faithfully shares the Gospel despite the risks —...