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I Am a Persecuted Christian

Nadal and her husband knew it was only a matter of time before ISIS descended upon their village just outside of Qaraqosh. As Christians, they knew they couldn’t stay in the area. They had heard of the atrocities ISIS had committed against other Christ followers....

Refugee Crisis Intensifies | Our Response

You may be watching the historic crisis unfolding before your eyes on the news—desperate Middle Eastern migrants doing whatever they can just to survive. You see their defeated faces as they are denied entrance at European borders, having already risked their lives...

Our Global Moment of Truth

The image of a little boy whose body washed up on a Turkish shore has the attention of the world. But while millions mourn the loss of little Aylan and as his heartbreaking pictures sweep across the internet, I am haunted by another image. It is the moment captured of...

Fleeing ISIS: One Woman’s Firsthand Account

“This is the first help we’ve received from anyone,” she gasped, as one of our team members placed an aid package into her outstretched arms. We were at one of our 13 distribution centers near Amman, Jordan, giving out relief supplies to families who had fled over the...

My Greatest Hope for Iraq

Baharka refugee camp is home to over 3,500 displaced Iraqis. They are Christians, Yazidis, and Muslims—all completely destitute from ISIS’s bloody march through the Middle East. Until our teams arrived, nothing had been distributed here through other aid groups for...
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