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Seeing the world through a child’s eyes

Seeing the world through a child’s eyes

Have you ever found it difficult to connect with your sponsored child? Cultural differences can make relationships challenging. But instead of letting the diversity create a gap between you and your sponsored child, focus on seeing the world from a new perspective!...
The best way to connect with your sponsored child

The best way to connect with your sponsored child

When my friend and her husband recently had a baby, they did what almost all new parents do these days — they posted the happy news on Facebook. In a matter of minutes, they were flooded with the inevitable requests: Post pictures! When will you have photos? I can’t...
How to pray for your sponsored child

How to pray for your sponsored child

Have you ever struggled to pray for your sponsored child? You know you should, but praying for someone you’ve never met and have little in common with can be difficult. If you need some inspiration, try thinking about your sponsored child in a new way. Why not pray...
Time to celebrate: Our family is growing!

Time to celebrate: Our family is growing!

Over the holidays, you probably had many opportunities to celebrate with your family. Maybe it was a little hectic … but there’s nothing quite like looking back over the past year with the ones you love most. As we begin the new year, we hope you’ll join us in one...
Two babies born on Christmas Day

Two babies born on Christmas Day

On Christmas Day, Christians around the world look back in celebration of Christ’s birth and His gift of salvation. But during Advent — the four weeks leading up to Christmas — Christians look ahead in expectation of Christ’s second coming. Advent season is a time of...
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