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We are proud to be reviewed and held accountable by these independent third-party organizations.

Special message for sponsors: Are you forgetting something?

Special message for sponsors: Are you forgetting something?

It’s that time of year again — time for new notebooks, backpacks, and friends. It’s time to go back to school for many of the kids in our lives. During such a busy time, it’s easy to forget things. You might even have forgotten to fill out your back-to-school card for...
Child sponsorship is a family affair

Child sponsorship is a family affair

Sports activities. Theater rehearsals. Cheerleading practice. Piano lessons. Families with kids know that life can get busy fast. Between doctor’s appointments, school programs, shopping for clothes, and more, daily schedules are packed with a flurry of events that...
Send your sponsored child a zebra!

Send your sponsored child a zebra!

Are you crafty? Does the thought of construction paper, glue, crayons, and scissors make you smile? Or … are you a crafting disaster? Do you avoid crafts for fear your home might descend into chaos as glitter and paper scraps find their way into every corner? If...

A New Twist on Three Classic Gifts for Your Sponsored Child

Let’s be honest, giving gifts can be really hard. If you’re anything like me, you spend hours, or even days, every year around Christmas, trying to figure out what to buy for your family and friends. Sending a gift to your sponsored child can be even more difficult....

Why Sponsor: A Far-Reaching Impact

A sponsor’s reach goes beyond the $35 gift each month. It even goes further than the letters and gifts sent and the time spent in prayer for their sponsored child. All these aspects together have a far greater reach than we could ever imagine. Sponsorship has an...
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