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When a father can’t feed his children…

When a father can’t feed his children…

“Please take my kids!” Mahdi’s desperate plea cracked over the poor reception of the phone line. And our partner in Jordan thought he must have heard Mahdi incorrectly. But he repeated, “Please take my kids.” Because he could no longer feed them. We’ve changed Mahdi’s...
The blessing of eating, the power of feeding

The blessing of eating, the power of feeding

“I’m starving to death!” It’s 11:30 a.m., and I’m leaning over the side of my cubicle to complain to a co-worker. It’s been three hours since I’ve eaten breakfast, and I’m already anticipating lunch. I whine as if I’m powerless to stop my stomach from growling. But in...
Stuck in the body of an 8-year-old

Stuck in the body of an 8-year-old

Luciana is practically all grown up —at least according to her age. Her body, on the other hand, is the size of a child less than half her age.   She weighs just 55 pounds, the same as an 8-year-old. While young men and women here in the United States excitedly...
What would you do for a meal?

What would you do for a meal?

When you’re hungry, you’ll do almost anything to get something to eat.For Cesar and his little brother Hiro, that means digging through garbage at the local dump near their home in Guatemala. They do this every day, just so they can put a little food in their aching...
How do you choose which child to feed?

How do you choose which child to feed?

“When everything’s burned because there’s no water and the sun is so hot that it’s 115 degrees, and you have no food … you start picking which child and which adult gets to eat,” our Guatemalan partner said.It’s a decision parents all over the world are forced to...
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