Many Syrians have fled the violence of civil war and ISIS, but they haven’t escaped the suffering. Right now, I’m in a refugee camp on the Syrian border where families are just trying to survive. They are living in deplorable conditions … there’s trash everywhere. It...
Our second day on the ground in Jordan was even more sobering than the first. The needs here are absolutely overwhelming! Being here is like stumbling on the scene of a mass tragedy. There is chaos, confusion, utter despair—the full scope/range of human misery on...
“Never again!” That was the battle cry heard round the world as a betrayed Rwanda stared bewildered into a shadowy future altered forever by genocide. “Never again,” we vowed after more than 800,000 Rwandans were butchered. “Never again,” we said to the families left...
At this very moment, over 4 million people—a fifth of Syria’s total population—are facing hunger and starvation while their country is being ripped apart by conflict and instability. I need your help today to provide thousands of life-saving meals to Syrian refugees ....
The world is beginning to turn its back on the Syrian people. Many NGO’s on the ground in Syria and neighboring countries are packing up and shipping out, unable to continue their work due to lack of funding. To make matters worse, international diplomacy is slow to...
Every day, I try to live my life in such a way that I accomplish at least one thing that will outlive me and last for eternity.
Vernon Brewer President, World Help
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