Happy Thanksgiving! Hopefully, you have a wonderful holiday planned … but before you dig into your Thanksgiving feast, we have an important update on World Help’s Thanksgiving Food Drive. We haven’t yet reached our goal, so we’ve decided to extend the deadline...
Ras has been living in limbo since 2015. When a deadly earthquake ripped through Nepal seven years ago, his community had to leave their village behind and start over in Kathmandu. Ras would love to own a piece of property and put down some roots, but even...
The gifts of World Help donors like you are providing countless people across the globe with the help and hope they so desperately need … and changing the lives of people like Carim. Carim is a 12-year-old refugee from Syria, so I’ve changed his name for his...
Food. It’s become a frequent topic of conversation as the price of groceries and other essentials continues to skyrocket around the globe. Perhaps you’ve even had those talks with your friends and family. Maybe that loaf of bread is more expensive than you...
Emilia is a 23-year-old mom living in Cuba. She loves her two boys tremendously, but after losing everything to Hurricane Ian, she felt like there was no way she could provide for them both. When our partners met her, Emilia was planning to give up her 1-year-old...