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Child Sponsorship3 min read


Your child sponsorship starter packet

Emily Towns
Jul 01, 2018

I started sponsoring my first child when I was in high school. His name was Habineza, and he was living in rural Rwanda. When I saw the face of that little 8-year-old and heard a bit of his story, I knew I needed to do something to help.

But after I filled out the paperwork, I wondered what came next. How could I best share the love of Jesus with that sweet little boy? Could I send him a gift? How do you begin to write letters?

I needed some help.

When you decide to sponsor a child through World Help, you are never alone. We are with you every step of the way, providing the tools you need to connect with your sponsored child.

The impact you are making by sponsoring a child is incredible, and we will do everything we can to help — starting with a welcome packet full of resources.

Here’s what you’ll get when you first become a sponsor:

1. A short biography of your child

So much of who we are as people comes from two things — where we’re from and who our family is. That’s why one of the first things you will receive is your sponsored child’s bio. In it, you will get a glimpse into his or her life. You will learn about your child’s home country, parents, and favorite subjects in school. These small tidbits will help you as you write letters and begin to connect.

2. Child sponsorship guide

This booklet is your sponsorship handbook. It’s full of simple “how-to’s,” showing you things such as how to pray for your child, how to start writing letters, and how to send a small gift. This guide contains the answers to our most frequently asked questions, allowing you to begin your sponsorship journey with confidence.

3. Child sponsorship sticker

Whether you’ve run a marathon, your child made the honor roll, or you just love talking about your family pet, car stickers are a great way to share what is important to you. Your child sponsorship sticker can be a great conversation starter, allowing you to tell others about the needs of children around the world — and increasing your impact!

But the communication doesn’t stop after that. You’ll continue to get updates every year, sharing how your child is growing and learning.

Here are a few of the things you’ll receive throughout the year:

1. Annual update

Just like your children at home, your sponsored child will continue to grow and change every year. That’s why you can expect an annual report, updating you on your child’s situation, likes, and interests. You will learn about his or her favorite color, favorite activities, and even favorite foods! While your child may have wanted to be a teacher last year, perhaps he or she now wants to be a doctor! Staying up-to-date will allow you to accurately communicate with your sponsored child while supporting their dreams.

2. Letters and artwork

My favorite part of sponsorship was receiving letters from Habineza. Although it took several months to receive a response when I wrote to him, I loved hearing about his life in his own words. These letters gave me specific ways to pray for him and his family. The letters and pictures you receive from your child will likely become some of your most treasured possessions. They will be a constant reminder that although the child you sponsor lives halfway around the world, he or she is still a part of your family. Writing letters can make this big world seem a lot smaller.

3. The love and appreciation of your sponsored child

At the end of the day, the greatest gift of sponsorship is knowing you have made a positive impact on the life of a child in need. Because of you, your sponsored child will be provided for and will experience the love of Jesus every day. That’s something he or she will always appreciate!

Sponsoring a child can be one of the best experiences you’ll ever have.

For just $35 a month, you can be the hands and feet of Jesus to a boy or girl in desperate need of hope. Become a sponsor, and change a life today.

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