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On the Syrian border: Refugees face more than one enemy

On the Syrian border: Refugees face more than one enemy

I often get asked, “Vernon, why do you keep traveling back to refugee camps on the Syrian border?” For me, the answer is simple. Because ISIS has not yet been completely defeated. Because these refugees still can’t return home. And because they and their loves ones...
On the ground in Peru: You can cure kids and restore their futures

On the ground in Peru: You can cure kids and restore their futures

This past Christmas, my oldest son left home early to travel with his band. He had been home from college for only a short time, so I was sad to see him leave — but I was also so very proud.As a mother, I have done my best to encourage my children to follow their...
On the ground in Peru: You can give 30 children a healthy start

On the ground in Peru: You can give 30 children a healthy start

I love to see new beginnings. One of the best parts of my job here at World Help is traveling around the world and getting to witness those new beginnings and transformations firsthand … when someone finally receives the help he or she desperately needs. But I also...
On the ground in Peru: A child’s life is at stake

On the ground in Peru: A child’s life is at stake

I remember when I was pregnant with my oldest son, I had no idea how to care for this new little life. Parenting is full of uncertainties, but as I held my newborn son one thing was certain — I would do anything to protect him. I’ve spent this week in Peru, meeting a...
On the ground in Guatemala: The power of sponsorship

On the ground in Guatemala: The power of sponsorship

When 6 a.m. comes in America, many kids are just beginning to stir and get ready for the school day. They brush their teeth, eat a full breakfast, and put on clean clothes. But in impoverished countries like Guatemala, children are often up early for a different...
On the ground in Guatemala: These kids need your help

On the ground in Guatemala: These kids need your help

When a community is stuck in poverty, it’s the children who suffer most. This is the case all around the world, especially in places like the remote villages of Guatemala. Tom Thompson, World Help’s senior vice president, is on the ground in Guatemala right now, and...
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